Schedule - May 16th, 2019
Event activities are taking place in Richcraft Hall Building 43, Carleton University in Room 2200 (The Singhal Family Theater) on the second floor and Room 1200 , Room 1201 on the first floor.
12:00-12:45 - Networking and Lunch (Richcraft Atrium on the second floor)
- Lunch is sponsored by David C. Onley Initiative for Employment and Enterprise Development)
- “Richcraft Atrium” is the area near Room 2200 (The Singhal Family Theater) on the second floor of the Richcraft Hall Building
12:45-2:15 - Room 2200 (The Singhal Family Theater)
- 12:45-12:55 - Welcome note from a11yYOW by Toufic Sbeiti and Carleton READ Initiative by Dean Mellway
- 12:55 - 1:35 - Impacts of Bill C-81 by Max Brault
- 1:35 - 2:15 - Accessibility Matters: Effective UX Design Includes Research by Julianna Rowsell
2:15-2:30 - Health Break (15 min)
2:30-3:05 - Sessions with insights from the community on accessibility perspectives
Room 1200 - Employment: Reducing the Employment Gap for Students with Disabilities by Julie Caldwell & Tara Connolly
Room 1201 - Information Technology and Communication: Framework for Accessible Specification of Technologies (FAST) by Michael Cooper
3:05-3:40 - Sessions with insights from the community on accessibility perspectives
Room 1200 - Built Environment: Bill C-81 and the Built Environment by Thea Kurdi
Room 1201 - Procurement: How to buy accessible IT? Some do's & don'ts from a vendor by Mike Gifford
3:40-3:50 - Health Break (10 min)
3:50-4:45 - Discussion Panel "C-81: from Bill to Action"
Discussion Panel "C-81: from Bill to Action"
- Moderator: Steve Buell
- Panelists: Mike Gifford, Julianna Rowsell, Dr. Boris Vukovic
4:45-5:00 - Closing