Call for Presentations

According to Wikipedia: “An unconference is a facilitated, participant-driven conference centred on a theme or purpose.” For the 2014 Ottawa Accessibility Unconference, we are combining both pre­planned presentations with participant selected presentations.

We will start the day with an open panel discussion We are aiming to invite experts with experience from various government levels (federal, Ontario and Quebec) to share their experience on creating and implementing web accessibility standards.

The organizers are also inviting speakers in advance. On the day, participants will vote to choose the other presentations. In total, each person at the event will attend 4 presentations of their choice and the morning panel.

We are soliciting proposals for the unconference portion of the event. Proposals must be submitted by midnight, Wednesday December 3. You will need to be available to speak during any time slot between 10 and 5 pm.

Possible topics

Tell us about working with other individuals, departments, institutions or sectors to achieve objectives such as:

NB: Lecture style presentations would be best. We will provide projectors but tables for small group work are only available in some of the rooms.

Typically, presentations which provide attendees with a framework to move from ideas to action are more popular.

Remember: you won’t be confirmed as a speaker until 10 am on Saturday.

Please bring your presentation on a USB, place it publicly on the web for access or bring it on a laptop. (The site does have WIFI but a backup version on your laptop is always wise.)

Still have questions?: Email us for clarifications

Submit your topic

Send us an email at with the following details:

Remember: you won’t be confirmed as a speaker until 10 am on Saturday. Participants will be voting on the proposals during onsite registration (8:15 to 9:00 am).